M.D. Cooper

Hey there, my name is Malorie Cooper and I write hard/military/colonial/galactic empire science fiction. To be honest, I write almost all the types of science fiction.

I’ve put out over 110 books, all of which take place in the future universe I created and call Aeon 14. The stories start around the year 3000 and span the ages until the year 9000. A great place to start is with Destiny Lost.

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How long have you been writing for and how much of that time have you spent writing fiction?

Since I was eleven years old, and it’s always been fiction.

What’s the average word count for the books you write and how long does it take you to write your average book?

I’d say my average length is about 80k words, and I can write that in between 7 and 30 days, depending on the story.

What is your writing routine (Do you have a daily word count goal? Do you write whenever the spirit moves you?)

I do sprints and aim for 5k a day.

How much do you research for a book before you start writing?

Lots. Lots and lots.

What do you find most difficult about writing a book?

Nothing, to be honest.

Which of your books are you most proud of and why?

I really am not the sort of person who picks favorites about anything. I’m 44 years old and have only just narrowed down my favorite color to one of two options. However, Todd McCaffrey told me that the answer to this question is always “the last one” so I’m going to roll with that.

Which of your books was the most difficult to write and why?

The Woman Who Lost Everything. There is no romance in that story, and one of my favorite main characters goes insane.

Would you publish with a traditional publisher if they contacted you? Why?

I would if they offered me several million dollars.

How many unfinished or unpublished works do you have?

At present, one. I have a number of starts from when I was younger, but I don’t plan to turn any of those into novels.

Do you prefer creating stand-alone books or series?


What’s one character you wish you would have created? What do you find compelling or interesting about this character?

I don’t think I’ve ever wished this…

What book do you wish you would have written? Why?

There are no books I wish I would have written other than the ones I have yet to write.

Do you find it challenging to write characters of a different gender, race, or culture than you? Do you do any special research for these characters?

I wouldn’t say that it’s challenging, it just takes research, care, and attention to detail. I do a lot of research for these characters, yes.

What does success as a writer look like for you?

A healthy readership and financial independence so I can continue to write what I wish to.

Writing can be a lonely job. Do you take any special steps to ensure you remain part of the world?

I’m an extrovert. I stream my writing sprints a lot, hang out with friends, and am constantly chatting with people.

Constantly sitting and writing can be physically debilitating. How do you take care of yourself, physically?

I go to the gym almost every day, see a chiropractor twice a week, go for very frequent walks, and spare no expense when it comes to ergonomics.

Do you read your reviews? How do you deal with bad ones?

Yes. Sometimes I respond to the bad ones. I do look at them for things to learn and improve on.

What books have you read that were particularly inspiring?

The Silmarillion was really amazing. I don’t know that I really get inspired by books, I read them for enjoyment, and they usually do that.

Do you have a favourite author? A favourite book?

I don’t, no. Favorites just aren’t a thing I pick in any regard.

Do you plot your stories in great detail before starting to write, or fly by the seat of your pants?

Seat of my pants, but I always know where the story is going.

Of all the characters in your stories, which is your favourite?

It’s a toss-up between Tanis, Sera, Jessica, and Rika.

Have you based any characters on real people? If they found out, how did they respond?

I haven’t, no.

What’s the best thing about being an independent author? The worst?

Freedom to write what I want is the best. The worst is the stress of having to keep working to maintain an income.

Do you make a living selling your books?

For five years now, yes.

What advice would you give to a new author?

Write every day. Writing is a like muscle and you need to exercise it frequently.

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