Carol Martin

Carol Martin My name is Carol Martin (I write as carol Mace ) I am a nursery nurse in a Bradford school. My book .. the Terrific Trip of Douglas Drip is my first and only book about the water cycle. Suitable for reception/year one. My genre is children’s books! Please share on your favourite […]

Julia Bell

Julia Bell My name is Julia Bell, I live in Yorkshire, England and write historical romance, although I have a full contemporary romance on Amazon (Deceit of Angels). My stories tend to have a theme; supernatural, paranormal, time travel etc. One of my stories titled Songbird has now won two awards. A Chill Book Premier […]

Pam Golden

Pam C Golden Hi my name is Pam C Golden and I live in West Yorkshire, where the landscape has inspired the initial setting for my stories. I write children’s magical realism, time travel fiction, although it seems to appeal to adults as much as children. The first in the series is called A Tree […]

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